Spanish Royals

Closing concert of the Music Week, Oviedo

Yestrday, King Felipe and Queen Letizia attended the “XXIII Musical Week” closing concert at the Principe Felipe Auditorium during the “Prince of Asturias Awards 2014” in Oviedo, Spain.

Letizia is wearing a Felipe Varela dress , Magrit shoes and bag .

 source(semana, diezminutos)

25th anniversary of El Mundo newspaper, Madrid

Last night,King Felipe and Queen Letizia attended the 25th anniversary of El Mundo newspaper and 13rd International Journalism awards at Palace Hotel  in Madrid.

Letizia is wearing a Felipe Varela dress and Magrit shoes.

 source(semana es,diezminutos es)

Launch of the new Spanish dictionary, Madrid

King Felipe and Queen Letizia attended the presentation of the 23rd Edition of the Spanish Language’s Dictionary at the Academia de la Lengua  in Madrid, Spain.

    Letizia is wearing a Hugo Boss dress and jacket with Magrit shoes.

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